It’s inspiring to see people dedicate their lives entirely to God. I’m thinking, for instance, of the recent ordination of Bishop Frank Schuster and of the men who will be ordained to the priesthood June 25 and of the innumerable women religious who have served in Western Washington over the past 166 years.

But not just clergy and religious!

Most of us are not called to be priests or sisters — indeed, there are billions of ways to be Catholic. But as the catechism reminds us, all the baptized share a “common vocation” — “a vocation to holiness and to the mission of evangelizing the world” (CCC 1533). (No pressure!)

We should all be dedicating our lives to God, every day!

When we begin to grasp the magnitude of God’s gift to us in the incarnation, death and resurrection of his Son, and the eternal stakes of this one life we’ve been given, a life dedicated to God is the only life that makes sense.

Northwest Catholic — June/July 2022